Opening Hours

Current information

from 26.06.2023, 9.30am

Dear visitors & Europa-Park friends, 

Europa-Park and all other offers of the Europa-Park Resort, such as Eatrenalin, YULLBE, Rulantica and the adventure hotels, are open as usual.

At Europa-Park, the attractions 'Alpenexpress Enzian', 'Alpenexpress Coastiality', 'Tyrolean Log Flume' and 'Yomis Magical World of Diamonds', as well as the shops 'Bazar Español' and 'Edelsteingrotte' are currently unavailable.

We look forward to your visit!

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Europa-Park is open from 11am

From 04.11.2024 until 12.01.2025, Europa-Park will be open from 11am.