General information on using the attractions for people with visual impairments
Some of our attractions may experience sudden changes in direction, speed or location. There may also be steps, thresholds, automatically opening/closing doors and safety edges. In some cases, the speed and the driving manoeuvre can also be controlled by the passenger.
Employees must be able to understand and follow the instructions. If necessary, the information must be provided by an accompanying person who is at least 16 years old and has unrestricted mobility, vision and hearing. If evacuation is necessary, narrow footbridges, narrow and steep stairs, narrow passages or changing to lifting platforms must be able to be managed, if necessary quickly. In addition, it may be necessary to follow orientation instructions. The evacuation may take longer because it is carried out by specially trained personnel.
The following attractions can be used unaccompanied with visual impairments:
Atlantis Adventure, Adventure Playground, Cinderella, Ba-a-a Express, Casa da Aventura, Crazy Taxis, Dancing Dingie, The Valiant Little Tailor, The Golden Goose, Dingle Bay, Doctor Know-All, Danube Steamer, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Elf Ride, EP-Express, Euro-Tower, Feria Swing, Flying Dutchman, Cassandra's Curse, Mother Hulda, The Frog King, Grimm Library - Märchenwaldkino, Hansel and Gretel, Jim Button – Journey through Morrowland, Josefina's Magical Imperial Journey, Jungfrau Glacier Flight, Käthe Kruse doll exhibition in the Fairy Tale Gallery, Koffiekopjes, Columbus Dinghy, Lada Autodrom, Laser Adventure - School of Adventurers, Limerick Castle, Lítill Island - Hansgrohe water playground, Little Lamb's Land, London Bus, Madame Freudenreich Curiosités, 4D Magic Cinema, Puppet Boat Ride, Mini-Scooters, Monorail, Mül-Müls Carousel, Carnival barn, Old Mac Donald's Tractor Fun, Panorama Train, Paul's Playboat, Poppy Towers, Rapunzel, Mir Space Station, Red Baron, Little Red Riding Hood, Treasure Chamber, House of Schellen Ursli, Sleigh Ride Snowflake, Sheep Rock, Shooting Gallery, Würmchen Wies'n Playground, Spinning Dragons, British Carousel, The Wishing Table, Tower Tow, Vindjammer, Voletarium, Volo da Vinci, Rocking Bridge and Chute, Wabbly Footbridge and Rope Ferry, Water Lane, Whale Adventures – Northern Lights, Dwarf City, Vienna Wave Swing - 'Glückspilz', Root slides
The following attractions can only be used with visual impairments when accompanied:
Alpine Coaster "Enzian", Alpenexpress Coastiality, ARTHUR, Atlantica SuperSplash, blue fire Megacoaster, Euro-Mir, Eurosat – CanCan Coaster, Eurosat Coastiality, Fjord Rafting, Football Scooter, Ghost Castle, Matterhorn-Blitz, Vintage Cars, Family Rollercoaster Pegasus, Pirates in Batavia, Quipse Paddle Boats, Swiss Bob Run, Silver Star, Silverstone Race Track, Snorri Touren, Tiroler Log Flume, Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac, Water Rollercoaster Poseidon, WODAN – Timburcoaster