Opening Hours
Anreise Parken Europa-Park Hotels

For Guests with Disabilities

All information for your stay

The Europa-Park Resort is also an ideal holiday destination for guests with disabilities, in close proximity to Europa-Park and Rulantica. The following information will help you to plan an unforgettable stay with us.

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Accessible rooms

The rooms feature detailed furnishing and lovingly arranged decorations in line with the theme of the hotel

Fully accessible room

  • Hotel 'Colosseo': one room for 4 people
  • Hotel 'Santa Isabel': one room for 6 people
  • Hotel 'Krønasår - The Museum-Hotel': two rooms for 2 people each. The rooms can be combined via a connecting door.
  • Hotel 'Bell Rock': two rooms for 2 persons and one room for 4 persons. The double rooms can each be connected to a 4-bed room via a connecting door.

Accessible friendly room

  • Hotel 'El Andaluz': one room for 2 people
  • Hotel 'Castillo Alcazar': one room for 4 people

In these hotel rooms, the requirements for guests in wheelchairs, for example in terms of passage widths and manoeuvring spaces, have been taken into account*. The bathrooms are steplessly accessible and equipped with wheelchair-accessible washbasins and handrails. If you have any further questions about our hotel rooms, please contact our hotel reservations department on +49 07822 860-5679 or send an e-mail to

*In contrast to our disabled rooms, our disabled-friendly hotel rooms may have restrictions with regard to the movement areas in the hotel room and in the bathroom.

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360° Photos

Discover the themed hotels virtually

Take a look at the disabled as well as disabled-friendly rooms and our hotels.

View in 360° panorama


Public Areas
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Stepless access, min width 90cm, fully automatic sliding doors
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Manageable, receptions are accessible without steps
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All floors have stepless access to a lift
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Accessible toilets
Hotels ‘Bell Rock’, ‘Colosseo’, ‘Santa Isabel’, and ‘Castillo Alcazar’. The Silver Lake City also offers accessible sanitary facilities.
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Restaurants & Bars
Stepless access, min width of doors 90cm
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Stepless access, entry to pools via stairs and handrails
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Online reservation

Using our online booking portal, you can use the filter option ‘only show handicapped-friendly/accessible rooms’, which will take you straight to your ideal room. In order to add reduced tickets for Europa-Park and/or Rulantica, please make a note under 'Guest wishes'. We will then contact you in order to add tickets to your existing hotel reservation.


Directions & Parking

You can get to us via car, train, bus or plane:
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Bus Stop
'Europa-Park Hotels' directly in front of the hotels 'Colosseo', 'El Andaluz', 'Castillo Alcazar' and 'Santa Isabel', as well as stops in front of the hotels 'Krønasår' and 'Bell Rock'. Guests of the Silver Lake City use the bus stop at the main entrance of Europa-Park.
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Train Station
'Ringsheim/Europa-Park' - a hotel shuttle can be booked (at extra charge) and we can reserve a suitable taxi for wheelchair users
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Disabled Parking
in close vicinity of the hotel entrances
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Wheelchair rental

You will find the wheelchair rental area at the hotel reception. Depending on availability, you will be able to rent a wheelchair for the duration of your visit to the park for a fee of €3.00¹ per day as well as a deposit of €50. 

To be on the safe side, you are also welcome to reserve a wheelchair in good time before your visit by sending an e-mail to

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We are here for you

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
We are happy to help - talk to us!

Phone: +49 7822 860-5679
Fax: +49 7822 860-5545