Our restaurants, bars and cafés offer a range of culinary delights from around the world. Our restaurants leave no culinary wish unfulfilled.
At Don Quichotte, you can experience the multifaceted TEX-MEX cuisine and TACOS ‘ALL YOU CAN EAT TACO’ in the Bodega – Mexican Bar & Lounge. If you fancy Italian cuisine, you will be welcomed in the lovingly themed restaurants around the ‘Colosseo’ hotel. There is also plenty for maritime tastes, for example at Harborside or Captain's Finest. In the Bubba Svens and Tre Krønen restaurants, you can immerse yourself in Nordic climes and find exciting dishes for the whole family. In our ‘Ammolite - Lighthouse Restaurant’, you can immerse yourself in the world of fine dining.
So what are you waiting for? Embark on a culinary world tour and enjoy your stay in our country-style restaurants and bars.