Opening Hours
Wellness-Empfang im Hotel Colosseo

Manicure & Pedicure

Happy Hour: Mondays to Thursdays - noon to 4pm: 10% discount on all treatments that take place within this period (Please note that this does not apply on public holidays.)

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Manicure & Pedicure

Cosmetic Manicure

50 minutes
62.50 1

Cosmetic Manicure

Hand soak, nail shaping, cuticles removal, short hand massage.

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

Polishing the fingernails

Wellness Maniküre
15 minutes
23.00 1

Polishing the fingernails

+ 1 nail varnish of your choice
(without manicure).

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

Cosmetic Pedicure

Kosmetische Pediküre
50 minutes
63.00 1

Cosmetic Pedicure

Foot soak, nail shaping, cuticle/callus removal, short foot massage.

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

Painting you finger- or toenails

Wellness Maniküre
16.00 1

Painting you finger- or toenails

+ 1 nail varnish of your choice (as a supplement to a manicure or pedicure)

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

For your physical well-being

1 glass of sparkling wine

Anstoßen mit zwei Gläsern Sekt
4.50 1

1 glass of sparkling wine

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

Fruit platter

13.50 1

Fruit platter

ico_colosseo Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Colosseo'
ico_hotel_santa_isabel Created with Sketch.
Available at the
Hotel 'Santa Isabel'

Excellent relaxation

Wellness Stars Logo

The exceptional comfort and highest quality in the wellness area, the Europa-Park hotels have been rated with 5 out of 5 possible stars by Wellness Stars Germany GmbH.